


In ancient times, Zhuanxu succeeded the throne from the Yellow Emperor and settled the capital in Diqiu (Puyang today). It is said that the Xuan Palace was the divine palace where Zhuanxu issued government decrees, reformed primitive religion and formulated the Zhuanxu Calendar, which is regarded as a religious holy land. According to Great Masters in Chuang-tzu, Zhuanxu attained the way of enlightenment and established the Xuan Palace.



The Xuan Palace is located on the square platform which is 6 m in height and 160 m in perimeter on the north of the Gate Tower. It is a high-platform building that copies the ancient style. There are the main hall, eastern bungalows and western bungalows in it. The main hall is enshrined with the statue of Nvlu, the wife of Emperor Zhuanxu, and there is the mural painting of the achievements of Emperor Zhuanxu in the main hall. There are also statues of celebrities of ancient Puyang and the State of Wei in the Spring and Autumn Period on display in the corridor.