



The Alliance Meeting Platform, located at the site 80 m away out of the east city gate of Qicheng Site. The remnant part is 20 m long, 16 m wide and 4 m high. It was a rammed earth high platform built in the Spring and Autumn Period. To better protect this precious historic and cultural heritage, a protective repair was carried out. The restored Alliance Meeting Platform is in the shape of an upside-down bucket. The four sides are built with gray bricks. It covers an area of about 900 m2.

The alliance meeting of kings of vassal states was a very common political activity in the Spring and Autumn Period, similar to the UN General Assembly and summit forums attended by state leaders today. According to the records in The Commentary of Zuo of the Spring and Autumn Period, in the nearly one century from 626 BC to 531 BC, seven UN Assemblies had been held here attended by kings and senior officials of vassal states.
      会盟起源于原始社会,春秋时期最为兴盛。春秋时期周王室日渐衰微,丧失了对各个诸侯国的控制,诸侯各国竞相称霸,他们为巩固自己政治集团的内部团结,共同打击敌对势力,频繁举行会盟活动,主持会盟者叫盟主,盟主常常打着“抑强扶弱、辅佐周室”的旗号对其他诸侯发号施令,其实质是 “挟天子以令诸侯”。会盟对解决当时诸侯国之间的矛盾和冲突起到了重要的作用。

The Alliance Meeting, originated from the primitive society, went to its heyday in the Spring and Autumn Period. The Zhou royal family gradually declined in the Spring and Autumn Period, and lost its control over vassal states. Vassal states then fought for hegemony. To consolidate the internal unity of their own political groups and fought against hostile forces together, alliance meetings were frequently held. The person who hosted the alliance meeting was known as the leader of the alliance. The leader often issued orders to kings of vassal states with the excuse of restraining the powerful and helping the weak so as to assist the royal family of Zhou. Actually, it was to control the emperor and command the nobles. The alliance meetings played important roles to solve the contradictions and conflicts among vassal states.